WHEN I SEE THE WOLF RIDE, BOOK 1, is a new, serialized, free audio book fictional adventure, with chapters released as podcasts about every week or so. it's free to listen to each chapter as they are released.

BOOK 1 is the first of three books in the fiction adventure novel WHEN I SEE THE WOLF RIDE, which begins when eighteen-year-old Lee Dunham is drafted into the army three days after his widowed mother's funeral. Soon, Lee is faced with an impossible choice from a heartless commander - kill innocent villagers, or be killed. Lee's choice throws him into a secret mission that will affect hundreds of lives and change Lee's life forever. BOOK 1 is the beginning of an epic, lifelong adventure that will challenge Lee's faith in himself as well as his faith in God. Along the way, he is confronted by a legend that has come to life -the Cherokee Warrior, which he thought was just a character made up by the father of his army buddy, Wolf. Lee can't tell whether this mysterious horse soldier is a ghost, an angel, or just a figment of his imagination. The Cherokee Warrior challenges him with visions from his future and inexplicable messages he can't understand.